
Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Creative Writing - Lesson 2

We were asked to create a character together with the people in our group and then write a diary entry of this character. My group and me chose to create a female bully, a little bit snob, that likes high fashion clothes, that thinks she is the most important woman in the world etc.

This is what I've written.


Monday, 25th of April, 2016.

I'm quite fed up of working in this office. Literally. Believe me.
How can an elegant person like me be surrounded by these poorly-dressed people? I mean, they can't even match the colour of their shirt with the one of their skirt or trousers!
Let's speak about Richard, for example! This morning he was so brave to dare coming to work wearing a brown suit and a purple shirt! Oh, come on! Doesn't he have a wife or a girlfriend that can give him suggestions about fashion?
I glared at him when I saw him! I hope he understood what was wrong! It took me ages to find a shade or red for my skirt that could match my light pink silk shirt and this morning no one even looked at me or complimented me when I walked through the door!
They were too busy talking about their families, children and boring weekends as usual. No one seems interested in building up a good career, they are so children-centred!
Anyway, how can they progress in their career, some of them are not really clever people. Sometimes I wonder how they can be able to use a computer!

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

An Old Wise Chair

Chapter 1

By looking at me, you could easily think I am a sort of a useless wreck. Maybe I could agree with you from a mere aesthetic point of view.
I mean, if you have a glance at me, the first thought that comes to your mind is “oh gosh, that chair is really old! I wouldn’t even sit on it, it doesn’t look safe at all!”. To be honest, that would offend me a bit. I know I lost my colour and the wood is getting scratched, but what does it mean I’m “not safe”?
I’m still strong and I can still sustain heavy weights, you know? Maybe if you’re worried, you should get fit, so you would also help me get less tired while you’re sitting on me! By looking at you, I would say there’s some extra fat around your abdomen and if I were you, I’d blame myself and not the chair if it breaks under your non-feather-weight!
Never mind, I’m used to this kind of discrimination. I’d not say I’m old, but wise.
Would you trust me if I say that I’ve heard a lot of different stories and seen a huge number of different things during these years at the farm?
Maybe not, because you think I’m not a living object, don’t you? Well, ok, you’re wrong. I’ll forgive you anyway. Ah, my name is Rosie and I’m a female chair, so please be kind and well behaved when you use or move me!
I was given this name by the farmer’s oldest daughter, Susan, long time ago, when I was still red. Red like a rose, you know. Just to make sure you understand the meaning of my name! And yes, believe me, long time ago I was painted in a pretty scarlet colour. I lost it, but I’m happy anyway; the wind, the sun and the rain did that to me, but this is the price to pay to enjoy little things in life and I’m satisfied.
Imagine a spring dawn, when the sun appears from behind that hill over there and you start feeling warm again after a chilly night. Think about the sunlight passing through the young leaves of the trees, illuminating the backyard and you can finally see the vivid colours of the flowers and the grass.

Have a look over there at those beautiful tulips! Judith, the farmer’s wife, planted the bulbs a few months ago. Look how the colours match! Beautiful white tulips alternating with vivid orange ones. I’d desire to be moved there from time to time, to observe more closely their dance during breezy days. You should be here when they perform their elegant ball! They are really good dancers, making gentle movements to follow the air flow rhythmically. From right to left and back, all moving in a coordinated way! I want to ask them which tulip thinks about the choreography, because it’s always a pleasure to observe them moving in such a pretty way.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Creative writing course - Lesson 1

Today I started a course on "creative writing" and I enjoyed it a lot! At the beginning I had a huge "writer's block" and I couldn't write a single word!
Quite shocking, isn't it? I was going to give up and not going back next Tuesday, but then the teacher gave us an interesting task, she asked us to describe a bank robbery from the vantage point of a customer lying face down on the floor.

To animate again this blog, I've decided to copy what I've written, pardon me if my English is not perfect, it's still my second language :)

Ok, James, let's recap a bit what's going on in here, because I'm a bit confused!
What are these people doing? I see a lot of people around me and they're all lying on the floor, are they sleeping?
On the floor?
Wait the minute, why am I cold? I understand why...I'm lying on the floor, too!
Oh, yes! Now I remember! Someone is trying to robber the bank!
I have to say, this floor is cold and a little bit uncomfortable for my poor back, but at least it looks clean!
I bet the cleaner moped it this morning, I can't see any dust on it, and it looks so germs-free!
Oh lovely!
And looks at the tiles! They're really nice, big dark grey tiles, shining when hit by the sunlight coming from the outside...
Oh, look! There's a sunray that is making its way through the blinds of the third window on the left!
Ah, God knows how much I would like to be lying on that small piece of floor illuminated by the sun now. It should be quite a comfy and warm spot that one!
But that man wearing those horrible pink trousers is occupying that tile with his chubby body!
And I can't move...
The robbers ordered us to stay down or they would have shot! Pretty scary though...
To be honest, I'm getting bored and my limbs are getting numbs, I can't even change position and now my right ankle itches, gosh! When are they going to be done?
Where did they go? I can't see them in the room anymore...probably they're torturing the bank director downstairs in the attempt of convincing him to open the safe and not to call the police.
Let's have a look around...that woman there is wearing a tracksuit, maybe she had planned to go running after doing her stuff here.
Look at her trousers! I should buy my wife a similar pair of running trousers for her birthday, lovely orange floral pattern, going from the lap to the knee. Then the flowers become orange butterflies that fly around the calf.
Oh, I think Julie would appreciate those as a present! Unfortunately that lady is too far from me, otherwise I would have asked her the name of the shop where she bought them!
Gosh, I don't have everyone close to me, who I can have a talk with!
Oh but look at her t-shirt! It's orange like the flowers and the butterflies, but there's a blue heart on it.
I believe she's a romantic woman, you wouldn't wear something with a heart on it if you weren't a romantic person! It would be a too cheesy piece of clothing!
Oh, look at that man over there! Really elegant blue suit, I think he's got a management role at work, maybe he's the CEO of some important company. Now, he's in the same situation as me, a poor employee of a toys factory. Probably he earns three times my salary!
Why the bloody robbers didn't go straight to visit his house, instead of annoying us all!
I mean, I was supposed to go back to work after my bank duties, I didn't have lunch! I used my lunch break to come here and now...look at me!
Blocked on a least it's clean...
I'm starving! I hope the police are coming here with some nice sandwiches, too. We deserve some treat, after all of this! Yes, we definitely deserve it!
I should not think about food now, otherwise my stomach would start making weird noises, but it's better not to make any noise in such a situation!
Let's go back to the rich manager/CEO/whatever he is...I'd like to have a suit like that and the shirt is classy, too! Nice light grey colour, that fits perfectly with the dark blue of the jacket and trousers.
I can't really see the tie, because his body is hiding tit, but if I were him, I would put on a light blue tie to match the rest. Maybe with some elegant and fine pattern on it, like small flowers or thin stripes.
I'm trying to figure out what all of these people had planned for the afternoon...for example, me, what have I planned to do this afternoon?
Let me se...What time is it?
It's 3 pm! I have to take Sam to the swimming lesson! Julie will kill me if I don't do it!
Well...If I'm not killed by these two silly guys in black balaclavas ransacking the bank.